High Speed o-Phosphate Assay
Temperature 60° C, 360 s/hour, detection limit 0.3 ppM P
This high throughput assay, brainchild of Garth Klein, is based on combination of a very short flow path (C1+C2=20cm), with a long light path flow cell and elevated temperature. Being skeptical of Garth claim of analyzing six samples per minute (A), with no carryover between high and low concentrated samples (B) and linear response within a wide range of temperatures (C), I repeated his work and obtained the results shown here.
Sadly, Garth is no longer with us. When we presented these results 4 years ago in the 4th Edition of this Tutorial, Garth was ready to market this system. Unfortunately his former company is unable to do so.
Injected sample volume 50 μL, pump #2: 0.8 mL/min per channel, auto sampler pump #2, 6mL/min, Garth’s flow cell 5 cm long, coil #1: 7.5 cm, coil # 2: 7.5 cm Channel and flow cell I.D. 0.5 mm.